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Company News
A bright future for Chipolbrok and Liaoning Port strategic cooperation
source:  time:2023-02-24

On February 23, Chipolbrok signed a strategic cooperation agreement in Shanghai with Liaoning Port Co., Ltd. (“Liaoning Port”). Both sides will conduct comprehensive cooperation in fields such as transport capacity, whole-process logistics and market expansion to achieve association and complementary advantages, establishing a win-win and sustainable strategic partnership. Mr. Zhu Dezhang, Managing Director of Chipolbrok, Mr. Wei Minghui, president of Liaoning Port and Mr. Du Shuyi, Party Secretary of COSCO SHIPPING Logistics Supply Chain Co., Ltd (Dalian), witnessed the signing ceremony together. Mr. Qiubo, Deputy Managing Director of Chipolbrok and Mr. Tai Jingang, Deputy General manager of Liaoning Port respectively signed the agreement on behalf of both parties.